Wilhelm Schabel

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Wilhelm Schabel

  • Thin Film Technology (TFT)

    KIT Campus Süd

    Materialwissenschaftliches Zentrum für Energiesysteme (MZE)
    Straße am Forum 7

    Gebäude 30.48
    D-76131 Karlsruhe


    KIT Campus Nord

    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1

    Gebäude 717
    D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Wilhelm Schabel (KIT) ist Inhaber der Professur und Leiter des Bereichs „Thin Film Technology“ (TFT) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Prof. Schabel ist Experte für Dünnschichttechnologien für industrielle Beschichtungs- und insbesondere Trocknungsanwendungen. Neben seinen akademischen Arbeiten sammelte er industrielle Erfahrungen als Projektingenieur bei LOFO High Tech Film GmbH (bei Basel). Für seine Dissertation erhielt er den Carl Freudenberg Preis vom Rektorat der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) und er ist Arnold Eucken Preisträger des VDI. Von der „International Society of Coating Science and Technology“ (ISCST) ist er 2008 in Los Angeles mit dem L.E. Scriven Award für seine wissenschaftlichen Beiträge auf dem Gebiet der Beschichtungs- und Trocknungstechnik ausgezeichnet worden. Seit 2010 ist er Guest Editor der Zeitschrift Chemical Engineering & Processing und seit 2012 Vizepräsident der International Society of Coating Science and Technology.




Doctor in Chemical Engineering (Drying of Polymeric Films, with distinction)


Diploma (Master), Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, Univ. Karlsruhe (TH)


Trainee: DOW-Chemicals, Freeport, Texas, USA


Pre Diploma (Bachelor), Process Engineering

Professional Experience




University Professorship  at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) supported by the KIT Elite Future Concept and an industry consortium of BASF, BAYER, ROCHE




Project Engineer, R&D department at LOFO (Basel) (belongs to SHINKONG Group (Taiwan)




Lecturer (Akademischer Rat & Oberrat) at Institute of Thermal Process Engineering




Visiting Lecturer (University of Applied Science, 3 terms deputyship)




Phd Assistant, University Karlsruhe (TH)



received by the department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Technical University of Iasi, Romania


biannual awarded from the International Society of Coating Science&Technology (ISCST) since 1998


annually awarded from VDI in Chemical Engineering since 1956



biannual award from Carl Freudenberg Stiftung since 1951

Selected Activities

Since 2012

Since 2012

Since 2012

Since 2010

Vice President Europe of the Int. Society of Coating Science&Technology

Scientific Committee of Int. Conference Flexible and Printed Electronics" (ICFPE) Tokyo,

Scientific Committee of Int. Conf. ICECE 2012 in Iasi & ICEEM 2013 in Vienna

Guest Editor of Chemical Engineering and Processing  Journal

Since 2008

Board of Directors: International Society Coating Science and Technology

Since 2006  

Scientific Committee: Process Net: Working Party  Drying Technology


Symposium Chairman 8th European Coating Symposium (Karlsruhe) (www.ecs2009.eu)

Since 2008  

Scientific Committee: Process Net:  Working Party Heat & Mass Transfer

Since 2008 / 10

Editor at VDI Heat Wärmeatlas, 2 book chapters Editor at VDI Heat Atlas, 2 book chapters

Since 2005

Scientific Committee: European Coating Symposium

Publications, Proceedings, Patents

Summary of Scientific Contributions:     214 in total (56 in peer reviewed journals & books)

                                                          2 patents

View CV


Publications of the last 3 years:

  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, N. Grossiord, Y. Galagan, M. Baunach, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, H. Dosch, J. Michels, E. Barrena, W. Schabel, Investigation of non-halogenated solvent mixtures for high throughput fabrication of polymer-fullerene solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 96, 195-201, 2012
  2. P. Cavadini, J. Krenn, D. Garella, , D. Sachsenheimer, A. Kowalczyk, N. Willenbacher , P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Investigation of surface deformation due to Marangoni convection, Chemical Engineering and Processing, submitted 2012
  3. P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Investigation of multi-solvent mass transport during thin film drying by means of inverse-micro-Raman-spectroscopy (IMRS), Chemical Engineering and Processing, submitted 2012
  4. S. Kachel, Y. Zhou, S. DuVall, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Drying behavior of waterborne polymer mixtures for biosensor films, Chemical Engineering and Processing, submitted 2012
  5. L. Wengeler, M. Schmitt, P. Darmstädter, C. Kroner, K. Peters, K. Köhler, P. Niyamakom, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Comparison of large scale coating techniques for polymer particle films in hybrid solar cells, Chemical Engineering and Processing, submitted 2012
  6. K. Peters, U. Berner, S. Hartmann, D. Bertram, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Liquid film coating of small molecule OLEDs (SMOLEDs) with multilayer device structure, Chemical Engineering and Processing, submitted 2012
  7. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M.F.G. Klein, M. Pfaff, N. Schnabel, S. Jaiser, A. Vorobiev, E. Müller, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, D. Gerthsen, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, W. Schabel, Moving through the phase diagram: morphology formation in solution cast Polymer-fullerene blend films for organic solar cell, ACS Nano 5, 8579-8590, 2011
  8. Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg, Michael Baunach, Joachim Krenn, Stefan Walheim, Uli Lemmer, Philip Scharfer, Wilhelm Schabel, Spatially resolved drying of multi - component solution cast films for organic electronics, Chemical Engineering and processing: Process Intensification 50, 509 - 515, 2011
  9. Monamie Sanyal, Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg, Michael F.G. Klein, Alexander Colsmann, Carmen Munuera, Alexei Vorobiev, Uli Lemmer, Wilhelm Schabel, Effect of Photovoltaic Polymer / Fullerene Blend Composition Ratio on Microstructure Evolution during Film Solidification Investigated in Real Time by X - ray Diffraction, Macromolecules 2011, 44, 3795 - 3800
  10. M. Sanyal, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel, H. Dosch and Esther Barrena, In-situ x-ray study of drying temperature influence on the structural evolution of bulk heterojunction polymer-fullerene solar cells processed by doctor-blading, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, Volume 1, Issue 3, page 362, May 2011, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201190014
  11. W. Schabel, Guest Editor, Journal: Special Issue in Chemical Engineering & Processing: Advance in Coating and Drying of Thin Films, Volume 50, Issue 5-6, Mai-Juni 2011 H. Martin, W. Schabel, Laudation and Editorial (dedicated to the occasion of the 80th birthday of Ernst Ulrich Schlünder), Chem. Eng. Process. (2010), p. 1-2 doi:10.1016/j.cep.2010.12.001
  12. M. Müller, P. Scharfer, M. Kind, W. Schabel, Influence of Non-Volatile Additives on the Diffusion of Solvents in Polymeric Coatings, Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, Issue 5-6, 551 - 555, 2011
  13. K. Peters, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Phase equilibrium of water in different types of PEDOT:PSS, Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, Issue 5-6, 555 - 558, 2011
  14. L. Wengeler, B.Schmidt-Hansberg, K.Peters, P.Scharfer, W.Schabel, Investigations On knife and slot die coating and processing of polymer nanoparticle films for hybrid polymer solar cells, Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, Issue 5-6, 478 - 482, 2011
  15. L. Wengeler, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Designing a sensor for local heat transfer in impingement driers, Chemical Engineering & Processing 50, Issue 5-6, 516 - 518, 2011
  16. S. Jeck, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, M. Kind, Water sorption in poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes: An experimental and numerical study of solvent diffusion in a crosslinked polymer, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 50, Issue 5-6, 543 - 551, 2011
  17. I. Mamaliga, W. Schabel, S. Petrescu, Characterization of Water Vapour Diffusion into Spherical Silica Gel Particles, REV. CHIM. (Bucharest) , 61, Nr. 12, 2010
  18. B. Dietrich, G. Schell, E.C. Bucharsky, R. Oberacker, M.J. Hoffmann, W. Schabel, M. Kind, H. Martin, Determination of the thermal properties of ceramic sponges, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 53, Issues 1-3, January 2010, Pages 198-205, ISSN 0017-9310
  19. L. Wengeler, W. Schabel, Verfahrenstechnische Herausforderungen für die Herstellung großflächiger organischer und hybrider Solarzellen, Nanotechnik - Moleküle, Materialien, Mikrosysteme, 2010, No.4
  20. M. Müller, P. Scharfer, M. Kind, W. Schabel, Bestimmung von Diffusionskoeffizienten nichtflüchtiger Additive in Polymerbeschichtungen mit Hilfe der Inversen Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2010, 82,No.12, (S.2097-2102), (DOI: 10.1002/cite.201000085), 2010
  21. Schabel W., Martin H., Heat Transfer for Impinging Flows (Chapter G10), VDI-Heat Atlas, 2nd ed., Springer, 2010
  22. J. Krenn, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Visualization of surface deformations during thin film drying using a Digital Image Correlation method, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.cep.2010.10.005
  23. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, K. Peters, F. Buss, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer and W. Schabel, In-situ monitoring of the drying kinetics of knife coated polymer-fullerene films for organic, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 124501, 2009 also in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21, 1; 2010
  24. J. Krenn, S. Baesch, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Numerical investigation of the local mass transfer on flat plates in laminar flow, Chemical Engineering and Processing; 2010, doi:10.1016/j.cep.2010.10.002
  25. W. Schabel, Polymeric Solutions-Vapour-liquid equilibrium and diffusion coefficients (Chapter D5), VDI-Heat Atlas, 2nd edition, Springer Verlag 2010
  26. M. Müller, W. Schabel, M. Kind, Untersuchung der Stofftransportvorgänge nicht flüchtiger Additive bei der Herstellung von Polymerfilmen, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80 (9), 1415-1416, 2008
  27. Krenn J., Scharfer P., Kind M., Schabel W, Drying of solvent-borne coatings with pre-loaded drying gas - Diffusion Controlled Skinning, European Physics Journal, 1, 2009
  28. H. Do, M. Reinhard, H. Vogeler, A. Puetz, M. F.G. Klein, W. Schabel, A. Colsmann and U. Lemmer, Polymeric anodes from poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) for 3.5% efficient organic solar cells, Thin Solid Films 517; 2009)
  29. Schmidt-Hansberg B. Do H., Colsmann A., Lemmer U., and Schabel W., Drying of Thin Polymer Solar Cells, European Physics Journal, 1, 2009
  30. B. Dietrich, W. Schabel, M. Kind, H. Martin, Pressure drop measurements of ceramic sponges-Determining the hydraulic diameter Pressure Drop, Chemical Engineering Science 64 (2009) 3633 - 3640
  31. Müller M., Kind M., Cairncross R., W. Schabel, Diffusion in Multi-Component Polymeric Systems: Diffusion of Non-Volatile Species in thin films, European Physics Journal, 1, 2009